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"ROW" – Rest of World im Price-Composite

Die deutsche Gruppe hatte beim editeur Steering Committee beantragt, den Code ROW (Rest of World) als Territorialbezeichnung für Preisgültigkeiten in ONIX 3.0 weiterzuverwenden.

Das internationale Steering Committee hat zugestimmt, die Verwendung bis Ende Juni 2021 und ausschliesslich für den deutschsprachigen Raum zu gestatten.

ONIX-feeds, die ROW verwenden, würden bei einer Validierung gegen die internationale XSD durchfallen – daher gibt es eine spezielle XSD für diesen Usecase, die nur auf der IGPM-Website abrufbar ist:

editeur Hinweis zum deutschen Vorschlag

At the request of the German IGPM, and with the agreement of the ONIX International Steering Committee, EDItEUR has produced a special version of ONIX 3.0 for Germany that temporarily validates the use of the ROW (Rest of World) code within the composite. The IGPM’s intention is to help the remaining German ONIX users transition quickly to ONIX 3.0.

The German Product Metadata Interest Group noted an issue in the German book sector when mapping price structures between ONIX 2.1 and 3.0. In ONIX 3.0 records where there are two prices, one for domestic and one for use elsewhere, this is the correct ONIX 3.0:

        <CountriesIncluded>DE AT</CountriesIncluded>
        <CountriesExcluded>DE AT</CountriesExcluded>

In ONIX 2.1, an „ROW“ (rest of world) region can be used instead of „WORLD excluding DE and AT“, whereas in 3.0, only the latter is acceptable. Mapping between these two expressions was reported to be a block on the use of ONIX 3.0 in Germany.

The new agreement – supported by the required XSD files for validation of ONIX files – allows the following to be used instead:

        <CountriesIncluded>DE AT</CountriesIncluded>

This is not correct in ‚mainstream‘ ONIX 3.0, since ‚ROW‘ is not a valid code within List 49 for ONIX 3.0. But it is common practice in Germany, and EDItEUR’s new XSD makes ROW usable.

Important: this is a transitional arrangement only, intended to allow German publishers and ONIX data recipients to focus for the next few months on other aspects of the migration from 2.1 to 3.0. This is urgent, because Amazon will not accept ONIX 2.1 files after December 2020. The new aggreement is intended to provide time to attend to Amazon requirements with temporary use of ROW, and then to return to full international interoperability with ‚WORLD minus DE and AT‘ as soon as possble after that.

The new XSD is

  • ONLY for use until the end of June 2021 (and it’s use cannot be renewed),
  • ONLY within the domestic German language market, and
  • will only work when there is a single <ProductSupply> composite

and there is no expectation that international data recipients like Amazon or Kobo should treat ROW as acceptable.

EDItEUR and the IGPM strongly encourage German users to return to full international compatibility as soon as possible, and the ROW solution will not be acceptable after June 2021.

The new German-only XSD files are available to download here, and on request from EDItEUR.