
German Book Prize 2023: discover the shortlist – experience the award ceremony

Livestream on 16 October from 6 p.m. / all books on the shortlist accessible to all
Erstellt am 10.10.2023

Which of the six shortlisted titles will be the German-language novel of the year? The jury’s decision will be announced on Monday. Those who wish to experience the award ceremony in the Frankfurt Römer can watch the livestream on www.deutscher-buchpreis.de on 16 October 2023 from 6 p.m.

At the same time, the radio stations Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandfunk Kultur will broadcast the event live on the special digital radio channel “Dokumente und Debatten” and stream it on www.deutschlandradio.de/debatten. Frankfurter Buchmesse will also stream the award ceremony on its website, www.buchmesse.de

Meet the finalists

There are various ways to discover the selected novels. 

Thanks to the partnership between the German Book Prize and the Deutsche Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen, or dzb lesen (German Centre for Accessible Reading), all books on the shortlist as well as many of the 20 nominated novels are accessible to all. dzb lesen checked the accessibility of all titles nominated for the 2023 prize and provided the publishers with individual test reports with recommendations for optimisation. A list of all accessible titles nominated for the German Book Prize 2023 is available at https://www.medibus.info/.

The television network Deutsche Welle, media partner of the German Book Prize, produced short films to introduce the shortlisted authors and their titles. These can be viewed on the website of the German Book Prize: https://www.deutscher-buchpreis.de/videos

English translations of excerpts from the shortlisted titles and an English-language dossier on the shortlist are available on the internet portal

The Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels (Foundation for Book Culture and the Promotion of Reading of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association) awards the German Book Prize to the best German-language novel of the year. Deutsche Bank Stiftung (Deutsche Bank Foundation) is the main sponsor of the award, and other partners include Frankfurter Buchmesse and the city of Frankfurt am Main.


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Peter Kraus vom Cleff: Wichtige Forderungen der Kreativbranche seien ignoriert worden.


Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels: Peter Frey und Jo Lendle neue Mitglieder im Stiftungsrat

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Woche der Meinungsfreiheit: Streiten? Unbedingt!

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